Interested in fostering a Siberian Husky?
Adopt A Husky does not have a physical shelter location and relies 100% on foster homes to care for the dogs who need us the most.
What is involved in fostering?
Fostering a dog is just like adding a new dog to your family without the long term commitment. The foster family is responsible for providing the basic care and training that the dog needs, and providing plenty of love and snuggles. The foster family also gets to know the dog's personality and quirks to help match it with the best home. We also ask the foster family to take their foster dog to events or arrange for another volunteer to do so. Adopt A Husky covers all medical care.
The amount of time a dog stays in foster care before being adopted varies from a few weeks to a few months or more.
What if I want to adopt my foster dog?
We have a term for that - Foster Failure! While we never plan for it to happen, many of our foster homes have adopted their foster dogs and we think it is great.
How do I become a foster?
Adopt A Husky's process for becoming a foster home is the same as our process to adopt. If you would like to apply to become a foster home, please visit the Adoption Process page, read the information there, and complete the application.
If you have questions about fostering, please email