Siberian Links

Siberian Husky Related Links

We hope you enjoy some of these sites as much as we do!

What is a puppy mill?

Siberian Husky Club of America This includes a regional rescue page covering the entire US

Frequently Asked Questions about Siberian Huskies

National Rescue Site

Wisconsin Siberian Husky Rescue (WISH)

Mushing Magazine - A must for northern breed enthusiasts

WWW.Adoptahusky.ORG - not us...but great name <g> Tails of the Tundra Siberian Husky Rescue, Inc. serving eastern PA, DE, and NJ - Description of the Siberian breed

Colors of the Siberian Husky -

Siberian Husky Rescue of Florida

Eastern Washington Siberian Rescue (EWSR) -

Get Grizz's Book - Read about his brave fight with cancer -

Educational Information

First time Husky sure to check out our related sites to research what is behind those sparkling eyes of many of our adoptees. Huskies are NOT for everyone, especially people with short tempers or lack of patience. Be realistic in considering if this is the breed for you, and don’t be afraid to look at other breeds if you find yourself thinking that a Husky is "too much". Don’t plan on ‘training’ a Husky to come when called so you can enjoy him/her off leash. It won’t happen. Just because you "know" someone who can do it, don’t be fooled that you will be able to as well. The chance of winning the lottery is greater than getting a trusted, off-leash Husky. Don’t think the hair is ‘not so bad’. It can be, especially if YOU don’t take care of it. Don’t think you can train a husky to stay in your un-fenced yard, or to leave your prized kitties alone, or to "not" dig up your flowers. Siberians have their own agenda. And most of all, don’t think you’ll get a Siberian that won’t make you laugh (sometimes through clenched teeth)...because if you can’t laugh at their antics, why get one in the first place?!

Within the breed, there are many variations of personality and once you decide you want to take the Husky Plunge, we’ll do our best to help you find your match.

Introducing a new dog to his/her new home... To sum up the transition period into one sentence, we recommend you "expect the worst and hope for the best." Often times new families have visions of grandeur that the new dog will immediately be housebroken, obedience trained, love everyone, leave all non-chewable items alone, etc. Sometimes this happens, but not always. Patience and supervision is a must. Even a housebroken dog may have accidents as they adjust to your schedule. Anxiety may set in and the new dog may whine during the initial confusion. The dog may not eat regularly....We have fielded many calls from new families that say "Oh My Gosh, Rover is doing <insert unwanted behavior here>!" Our advice? Give it time, set the rules, be fair yet flexible, and pour on the love. This period may take weeks or even months depending on how traumatic the dog’s background was. Later, we often get calls that say "Thank you for listening. We toughed it out and Rover is the <insert GOOD adjective here> dog in the whole world!" Adopt A Husky, Inc. is full of knowledgeable, experienced, Siberian owners and we are just a phone call away when you need us. Please understand that dogs have emotions and feelings and don’t always understand what is expected of them. They need your patience and guidance. So, expect the worst, hope for the best and you won’t be disappointed!

The ASPCA Poison Control Hotline phone number for pets is (888) 4ANI-HELP or (888) 426-4435. If you have reason to suspect that your pet may have been exposed to something toxic, either internally or externally, this phone number will connect you with an ASPCA veterinarian specially trained to assist pet owners or other vets. The number is staffed 24/7.

Contact Advocates for Siberian Huskies (A.S.H.) if you need to surrender your dog, or see our FAQ page to post your dog on our website.